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What is HTML
HTML is an acronym for HyperText Markup Language and is used to create all the pages that exist on the Internet. Put in very simple terms HTML is a way of generating a page of a book electronically. It is interpreted by a web browser so that words and pictures can be displayed on your computer screen. In fact a website could almost be described as an online book.

HTML is written in plain text and therefore needs to be created in a text editor such as Notepad. Your HTML must not be saved as for example a Word document as this will not work. To run Notepad click on the start button, select Programs, then Accessories and finally Notepad.

The first page of your website is always called index.htm. This is the page the browser will display when it visits your site. With this in mind, you should perhaps try and capture the nature of your website on the index page and have links to additional pages from there. The extension ".htm" must be used for all web pages so that the browser knows it is an HTML page.

Note: You MUST create the index.htm page or your website will NOT work.

HTML code
There are two main parts to HTML. Text that is held within angle brackets and text that is not held within angle brackets. Just incase you are wondering what an angle bracket is they are the < and > brackets.

Any text inside these angle brackets is called an HTML TAG, this means it is part of the HTML language. Anything else is the text that is going to be displayed by the browser.

Most HTML commands have an opening and closing tag. For example:

<HTML> is the opening tag, where as,
</HTML> is the closing tag.

The only way to distinguish between the two is that the closing tag contains a forward slash, ie /. Anything that is held within an open and a close HTML tag is affected by that tag. This will become more apparent later in this guide. In this case the tags tell the browser that everything between them is part of a web page.

Basic HTML Tags
Your first page must be saved as "index.htm", this is the page that will be displayed whenever anybody visits your domain name. If you fail to have such a page all visitors will see is the default freenetname page.

There are a number of tags that must be included in every HTML page, these are the basic foundations without which the page won't work. These are:

<HTML> & </HTML>
This tells your browser that all information between these tags is HTML code, without these your page will not work.
<HEAD> & </HEAD>
Between these tags you will enter the <TITLE> tag for your web page and at a later stage tags called meta tags.
The text between these tags is the title of the page, this will appear in top bar of your browser. For example this page's title is "freenetname | how to... | web tutorial - page 2"
<BODY> & </BODY>
This tag tells the browser that what follows is all the text and pictures that are to be displayed by the web browser. It also allows you to tell the browser what background colour to display. This is achieved by using the bgcolor="" command. As you will see in our following example the background colour is set to white: bgcolor="#ffffff"
  On the right is the order in which the above tags must be placed. <html>

Your first page
Below is an example of what you first webpage could look like. As you can see it is very plain, but if you work through this guide you will see how it can be livened up. As well as the essential tags above it also makes use of the line break tag.

This tag inserts a single line break in the page. You can double up the tag to produce gaps of one or more lines.

There is one line break at the end of this sentance.
There are two line breaks at the end of this sentance.

The <br> tag is also an example of a single HTML tag - you use it once to produce an effect, there is no closing </br> tag.

Create a page
The screen shot below is of the page we want to create, and beneath that is the HTML code required to do so. Copy this into Notepad, making any alterations you wish and try it out for yourself. To view your page save the file somewhere on your desktop as "index.htm" and then view it on your browser by double clicking on your newly created html file.


<title>My Home Page</title>

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
Welcome to my website.<br>
I hope you like it.<br><br>

That's all there is to it. Before you carry on try playing around with these elements to ensure you understand them. Remember to save your first page as "index.htm".


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