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As we saw earlier in this guide, you can have multiple pages on a website and you can link all these pages together. This will then allow visitors to your website to be able to browse or navigate their way around your site.

These links are created by using an HTML tag called an anchor.

<A> & </A>
The anchor tag has two main uses. It can link to another section within the same page or link to another HTML page. To do this you need to use additional commands with the tag.

The name attribute defines a target point within the current page, i.e:

<a name="top">Top of page</a>


The HREF part tells the browser to follow the link. If you are moving to another part of the page defined with a name="", you would use a hash (#) followed by the name, for example:

<a href="#top">Click here to return to the top</a>

If you want to link to another page you put in the name of the page - lets look at the HTML we will insert into our index.htm page:

<a href="page2.htm">Click here to see my second page.</a>

Between the opening and closing anchor tags you insert the text that will appear as the link, which above is "Click here to see my second page." This is what the visitor to you webpage will click on.

Note: As you can see in our original HTML you can change the font and font size before inserting the anchor tag.

Create a page
The screen shot below is of the second page we want to create, and beneath that is the HTML code required to do so. Copy this into Notepad, making any alterations you wish and try it out for yourself. To view your page save the file somewhere on your desktop as "page2.htm" and then view it in your browser by double clicking on your newly created html file.


<title>My Second Page</title>

<body bgcolor="#FFC300">
<p align="center"><font size="4" color="#000000"><b><u>Hello and welcome to my second page.</u></b></font></p>


        diagram demonstrating linking

In our two examples you can see the way in which the pages are linked.

In our first example, to the left, you can see that you start at the index page, you can then only move to the file1.htm page. Once there you can then go to the file2.htm page.

Our second example, to the right, shows that you start on the index.htm page and you have a choice to move to either, the file1.htm or the file2.htm page.

To help you understand how linking works, here is a picture of a simple layout of a freenetname website.

As you can see, all the files are stored in a directory called public_html. Let's say, for example, that the index.htm page has to display the title.jpg image stored in the images directory. In this case the link to use will be "images/title.jpg" - as you are telling the browser to move from the current (public_html) directory into the images directory, then look for title.jpg.

This time, imagine the page2.htm page needs to display the banner.gif. Here the correct link would be "../images/banner.gif". You can see that the ../ tells the browser to move up a directory, then we move into the images directory and look for banner.gif. So in short: To move down a directory, use it's name then a slash. To move up a directory, use two dots and a slash. If your files are in the same directory, just type the filename.

You can also link to other websites using a HREF - just type the website address or the address of a specific page between the quotes, i.e:

<a href="">freenetname's website</a>

Create a page
The screen shot below is of the page we want to create, and beneath that is the HTML code required to do so. Copy this into Notepad, making any alterations you wish and try it out for yourself. To view your page save the file somewhere on your desktop as "index.htm" and then view it on your browser by double clicking on your newly created html file.


<title>My Home Page</title>

<body background="background.gif" bgproperties="fixed">
<p align="center"><font size="5" color="#3333FF"><b><u>My Website</u></b></font></p>
<p><font color="#000000" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3">Hello,</p>
<p>Welcome to my website. I hope you like it.</p>
<p>Below is a lovely banner.</font></p>
<img src="fnn_linkbanner.gif" border="0" alt="FNN Banner">
<p><font size="5"><b><a href="page2.htm">Click here to see my second page.</a></b></font></p>
<p align="right"><font color="#000000" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="7"><i>Rob</i></font></p>


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